Our Guiding Principles:

We believe that yoga has the power to enrich lives and strengthen connections.

  1. We co-create a supportive community where personal growth occurs naturally through authentic connection to self and others.

  2. Our studio serves as a familiar, sacred and safe sanctuary where members are encouraged to acknowledge their whole self. The body, mind and spirit are a good start. Yoga teaches us about the 5 koshas, or layers of self: physical, energetic, mental, intellectual and blissful. By observing and attuning to all of our sheaths, through introspection and mindfulness, we gain the ability to show up in our lives brighter and with more capacity to navigate gracefully.

  3. We openly and intentionally curate teachers and staff who deliver a powerful, community-based experience for our members. Our teachers “walk the walk,” through their personal practice, lifestyle, and dedication to continued studentship.

  4. We deliver the power of yoga to members of diverse backgrounds, beliefs, demographics and all levels of experience. 

  5. We believe yoga offers a moral code of conduct that is rooted in the eight limbs of yoga. At Samadhi we lead with the first two yamas (restraints): Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed) and Satya (truthfulness).