Why Choose Samadhi Yoga for Your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Choosing the right Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) program is essential to your growth and success as a yoga instructor. Samadhi Yoga offers a comprehensive and uniquely transformative experience through its 200-hour basic teacher training, combining tradition and practice in a supportive environment. Samadhi Yoga Sangha’s Teacher Training offers richness and depth for practitioners who feel called to take their practice, teaching and life to a new dimension.   Together, we will hone the skills of full presence, service, joy and truth through  immersion in yoga theory and practice.  

Experienced & Dedicated Instructors

We proudly offer teacher training, taught by a stellar team of highly experienced, skilled and renowned humans:  Jeremy Wolf, Soozie Kinstler, Kristine Whittle, Derik Eselius, Jeni Nelson-Fagan and special guest presenters converge to deliver a balanced, high-quality program. At Samadhi Yoga, our instructors are not only highly skilled and knowledgeable but also deeply passionate about guiding students on their yoga journey. Their extensive experience and personal commitment to the practice ensure you receive the highest quality education, personalized attention and invaluable insights.

The Samadhi Difference - Comprehensive & Immersive

Explore the history and philosophy behind the physical poses, or asanas, that you love in your physical body. Deepen your sadhana, or personal practices, through breath work (pranayama), meditation, and discussions on the greater context of yoga including: unlimited classes upon registration for an immersive experience, ancient sacred texts, subtle body & energetics, Ayurveda, Sanskrit & mantra, bhakti yoga, yin yoga, yoga nidra, restorative yoga, and consideration of dharma. Additionally, students receive comprehensive support and practice developing their teaching skills and style, beginning early in the course with cuing, sequencing & theming classes, anatomy & biomechanics, introduction to trauma informed yoga and an introduction to diversity and access in the world of yoga.

Community & Connection

Samadhi Yoga fosters a supportive and inclusive community that extends beyond the training itself. You'll build lasting relationships with fellow students and instructors, creating a network of support and friendship that enhances your learning experience and personal growth.

Personal Transformation

Teacher training can be a transformational experience for anyone. Beyond the depth of yogic knowledge we dive into, students are invited to dive deep into themselves to uncover the wisdom of their inner teacher to embody in their everyday life. Whether you are looking to deepen your knowledge to share your love of yoga with the world, or find more stability, stress reducing tools that bring more of YOU into the world, Samadhi’s Teacher Training, basic 200 hour may be the perfect next chapter for you.

Proven Excellence

Samadhi Yoga has a long history of successfully training yoga teachers who go on to make significant impacts in their communities. Our alumni are a testament to the quality and effectiveness of our program, with many becoming respected and influential yoga instructors.

Join the Samadhi Yoga Community

By choosing Samadhi Yoga for your Yoga Teacher Training, you are investing in a comprehensive, enriching, and transformative experience. Our program equips you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become an inspiring yoga teacher. Join us at Samadhi Yoga and start your journey towards a fulfilling and impactful career in yoga.

For more information about our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program, visit Samadhi Yoga Basic Training.


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